
Mag of Holding - Pirates and Seafaring Book for 5e YAAARGH!

Created by Paddy Finn

Your essential pirates and seafaring supplement. Chug rum, fight sea monsters, sink ships, plunder riches, sail the seas!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit is Coming!!!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 09:56:37 PM

Hey All

Happy almost Friday.

Over the next few days we will be launching Backerkit out to all of you for addresses and any other add ons you may be looking for so keep an eye on your mailboxes. 

As for the progress of the project. The last few pieces of art are dripping in now and the final review is underway and should be done by the end of the week. With all this news we are confident in having the project fulfilled by September at latest.

Until next time 

Keep Rollin'

Kyle Gray

They Think It's All Over! - $15,000 Stretch Goal!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 09:49:12 AM

Bone Lord STL!

Wow. Just...Wow!

I really didn't expect to write another update today, but with 77 minutes to go we hit the magic number!


Which means you have unlocked the Bone Lord STL file. 


Anyone following our previous kickstarter will have already seen the awesome list of STL files we have in development. 

Here are a few test prints sitting next to my desk including the air djinn complete with busted base (no drainage hole + heat = bad idea)...

Lightning leech, dust mephit, harpy charmer, djinn mora, greater air elemental, lesser air elemental, man of Rohan for scale!

I almost feel sorry for the man of Rohan all alone up there!

Click on the image to see more examples on our previous Kickstarter.

Needless to say, we've improved on these significantly, and I can't wait to get working on the Pirate Queen and Bone Lord for this Kickstarter.

We had the Olgoth as our $20,000 stretch goal, but we haven't hit that. It would have been a beast of an STL too! :)

We use the illustrations in our publications for references when it comes to STL design, so everything fits nicely together and you always have access to art and stat blocks for your printed minis.

I hope that gives you a good idea of what we do with our STLs.

It's almost 6pm here in Ireland, so I'm gonna ride out the end of the Kickstarter campaign, then head home and spend a little time with my kids before they go to bed.

They haven't seen much of their daddy lately.

As mentioned before, I'll fire another update on MoH progress as and when I have something.

Until then, though, keep rollin'!


Paddy Finn

Penny Dragon Games

It's Only The Beginning!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 04:15:32 AM

We have reached the finish line!


Is it really the end?

We all know that Kickstarter is just The end of one journey is merely the beginning of another. In other words, you've funded this awesome project (SUCCESS!!!), but there is still work to do. What does that look like?

To give you a bird's eye view, Mag of Holding being a quarterly book means that we have a 3-month window in which to launch and fulfil each edition. Naturally, we've given ourselves 8 weeks between Kickstarter launch to fulfilment...because let's be real, things can happen, thought we've been fortunate so far.

No matter what way you slice it, 8 weeks is a REALLY aggressive production schedule.

So, it's a good thing we have a REALLY proactive team of writers and artists.

Thanks to our managing editor, Kyle Gray, writing for Mag of Holding - Pirates & Seafaring was mostly finished months ago. Hell, we've already started writing on Mag of Holding 4 and that doesn't launch until November/December.

Thanks to our art director, Peter Hunter, most of the art was a also done in advance of the campaign.

Kickstarter funding will go towards the last few bits of art, editing, layout, printing, and fulfilment.

I'm really proud of what you and our team accomplished here and I can't wait to see what we can pull off with Mag of Holding - Gothic Horror in September/October. 

In the meantime...


The Laidback Dungeon Master is running this little Map pack ditty! 

Maps & DM's Workbook!

44+ hand drawn, full color inter-connectable wilderness and village geomorphs that you can print out for live play or drop into your favorite online virtual tabletop (Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, Foundry, etc.) that connect any way you want! Every map is sized 1750 x 1750 px and comes in both grid and grid-less versions (88+ JPEGs) - they fit perfectly onto Roll20 - no more fiddling to match grid sizes! PLUS more maps are being added via Stretch Goals!



I'll send a progress update on the art work in the next week or so, but I recommend that you subscribe to the YouTube channel where I post in-depth updates more regularly than on here. 

Subscribe Here.

Until next time, keep rollin'!

Paddy Finn

Final 24 Hours!
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 01:54:30 AM

The Final Countdown!

The final day is here, and this will be one of my last updates before the campaign ends.

Nearing the end of a Kickstarter is always bittersweet, a mix of sadness to see it end and relief that we hit our goal and did so well... Like we ever had a doubt... Our community is the best! 

Overall, it's been a great few weeks. 

And when all is said and done, it's only the beginning. I couldn't be more excited to get this magazine into your hands, partially because what we have in store is so good, but also because I can't wait to get working on the next one :)

We've come a long way since the first Mag of Holding, and something tells me this awesome periodical will go from strength to strength. The first one completed at $4019 and this one will end with at least x3 that. 

Our little community grows so fast, and we are we are delighted to have you sail with us early on!

I'll post another update about what comes next either tomorrow or the following day.

In the meantime, you might want to check out the below campaign by FAE. Since our next MoH releases are about Gothic Horror and the Feywild, it actually fits really nicely :)


 A Nightmare in Sutradain: The definitive guide to the Seelie and their city in the Feywild for D&D 5E.
 - A magical city with dozens of fantastic locations
 - New monsters, items, and classes to explore
 - And a huge campaign so you can open and play!
 Now on Kickstarter


And remember...keep rollin'!


Paddy Finn

Last 42 Hours - $10,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 08:14:06 AM

Pirate Queen STL Yaaargh!

I'm really excited about this one as I love seeing STL files progressing from sketch to illustration to 3D model to painted miniature.

She'll be modelled after the pirate queen on the cover of Mag of Holding - Pirates & Seafaring.

The character was written by Macealach McBride and illustrated by Henrique DLD.

Now I'm left wondering, should she have guns? Maybe we should create a version with and without guns? What do you think?


Only 1 pledge spot is left on the Captain tier!

Next Stop: $15,000 for the Bone Lord STL...Now there's a mini I'd love in my collection.

Will we make it? Only time will tell, me maties!

Spread the word afar. Tell all yer friends and relations. The treasure is out there, we need only find 'er!

As always, thank you muchly for supporting this scallywag and his many shenanigans!

The Penny Dragon Games ship be sailing on the next tide...


Paddy Finn